To get a rise out of your guests

The right invitation says ?old world? and ?hand made.? Artistic? Hand-paint a flower design, scan it in to your computer and fade it into the background of your invitations. Or collect and press wildflowers and violets to include.Accent your invitations with small brass buttons or charms. Seal the envelope with sealing wax and a seal…

These drought tolerant plants look a little like pine branches

One of my favorite succulent plants is named Crassula tetragona.  These drought tolerant plants look a little like pine branches with the needles sticking out the sides, or a green bottle brush.  They are often used in bonsai pots to look like pine trees.  In the ground, they grow up to 4 feet tall. They…

Planting them with room to grow will make your perennial garden

Perennial plants and flowers stay around for sprinkler-factory China Garden Magic Seeders Suppliers more than just one gardening season. Some of them bloom again for only about 3 years, while others will continue to bloom for many years to come. Now sometimes the first year you plant a perennial, you won’t be overly impressed. You see, that…